Making of Assembly_one

About one year ago we started the design process of what would turn out to be ASSEMBLY_ONE, here are some highlights from that experience:

We started off by prototyping the main electronics and the control circuits using breadboards and basic electronics.

We then transferred all the breadboard prototypes onto simple perfboards and cramped all the electronics into the base of the lamp, and voila, we had our first (kind of) working prototype.

Simultaneously as the design work progressed on the electronics, we designed the general shape and functionality of the lamp. The overall form of the lamp evolved from basic cardboard models to more functional prototypes in sheet metal.

On one of our first printed circuit board, we went a bit loco and experimented with the silkscreen layer, testing different types of prints, line thicknesses, orientations, margins and so on (including a picture of Simon and John enjoying a nice summers day on Riddarholmen in Stockholm).

As the project went further, more high-fidelity prototypes were developed.

That's what we wanted to share this TBT, but stay tuned, we have a lot more to show you...

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